Lake Hume
Sue Hogan (and Paddy) with a nice catch of Redfin from the Tallangatta area.
Yellowbelly are a prized target in Lake Hume.
The boat ramp at Kookaburra Point offers excellent launching for large or small craft when the lake level is over 30%.
A winter trout caught while trolling in front of the wall.
The area in front of the wall is a popular trolling area for trout.
The Bethanga Bridge area yields yellowbelly, redfin and trout.
The main basin near the Lake Hume Resort provides good winter trolling for trout.
The Mitta arm, known locally as the narrows looking towards Tallangatta. (Oct. 2000, 98% capacity)
Lake Hume
 Lake Hume is situated just 16km east of the twin cities of Albury-Wodonga and offers anglers a terrific mixed fishery. Like it's downstream cousin Lake Mulwala, Hume has areas that are governed by Victoria and New South Wales, so currently anglers need to be equipped with a licence for each state in order to fish anywhere in the lake. The upside though is that both states have been quite active with their stocking programs, and the lake is returning some huge yellowbelly, some of which have set ANSA records with a few medium sized Murray Cod also showing up. Add to this some great winter trolling for trout and year round catches of redfin and Lake Hume becomes an attractive angling option.
Lake Hume is primarily an irrigation storage, and as such often suffers from low and declining water levels over the summer and autumn months when irrigation demands are high. Visiting anglers should be aware of this if contemplating a boating trip to the lake, and make sure the ramps are accessible. Lake levels are included in the "Where are they biting" section of this web site.
With ample access, quality boat ramps and a large range of accommodation to suit all budgets, Lake Hume is a great destination for a family holiday.
Target Species: Golden Perch (Yellowbelly), Redfin, Brown and Rainbow Trout, Murray Cod and European Carp.
Silver Perch were stocked in the lake, but catches have been extremely rare.
Hot Spots & Best Methods:
Redfin: All over the lake, but the Mitta arm near Tallangatta, Ludlows and the Bowna Arm are all good producers. Yabbies, small prawns, shrimp and worms are the best baits. Bobbing and trolling are usually successful. Although they can be caught all year round, November through to March is the best time to fish.
Yellowbelly: Rocky outcrops and timber structure are the best places to look for yellas. The Mitta arm has produced some great fish, as has the Bowna arm. A section of rocky shoreline upstream of Bells Bay in the Bowna arm is known as "The Yellowbelly Bank" due to the excellent catches there. Another area that yields some big fish is the Murray river below the dam wall. Redfin baits will work on Yellowbelly, but trolling with larger minnow style lures is the most exciting form of fishing. Legends, Hotlips, Dam Busters etc are good choices. The fish start to get active in November and will bite well through to the Autumn months providing the lake level does not drop to dramatically.
Trout: Most trout are caught during the cooler months on cobra style lures fished on the surface. These fish are often chasing small redfin, and each year a number of browns around the 3 kg mark are landed. The area from Kookaburra Point up to Bethanga Bridge is very productive. Trophy fish up to 18 lbs in the old scale have been caught below the dam wall in the tailrace, usually during the high flow irrigation season of February to April. Leadfish are the lure of choice there. Although regulations permit this area to be fished all year round, it is probable that spawning fish are present in this section from May through to September. Anglers are urged to adopt a self imposed ban on this area during that time.
Murray Cod: The Huon area, the Mitta arm and the Murray arm around Talgarno have been the best producers of Murray Cod to date. Timber structure off clay banks will attract cod. Best baits are yabbies and bardy grubs, and large minnow style lures such as oargees, hammerheads, legends and mudbugs are the ticket when trolling. Summer months are the best times.
European Carp: They are everywhere, will readily take worms or corn, and are dogged scrappers on light gear.
Getting There: From Melbourne, travel the Hume Highway to Wodonga, and from there the Murray Valley Highway will take you past a number of boat ramps and on to Tallangatta. For other sections....use a road map.