Kiewa River
Kiewa River
The Kiewa River has many faces, from small mountain stream rising out the alps to classic trout water from Mt. Beauty to Dederang and finishing it's journey as a slow moving river that meets the Murray River just upstream of Wodonga. Such conditions produce a river that can cater for a number of fishing tastes, from a small stream tumbling through rugged valleys, to a river holding an admirable population of Murray Cod. On it's journey northward, the Kiewa passes through Lake Guy at Bogong village and the pondage at Mt. Beauty.
From Mt. Beauty to it's confluence with the Murray, the Kiewa follows the Kiewa Valley Highway, and there are many access points along the way at bridges that cross the river. Mongan's, Kegan's and Gundowring bridges are among the popular areas that offer access to anglers. In the upper reaches anglers can try their luck at Rocky Valley Reservoir, an alpine lake of 265ha near the Falls Creek alpine village. This reservoir is above the snowline, and can freeze over during winter making it virtually inaccessible. It holds a good population of smaller brown trout to around 500g as well as a few rainbows. On summer evenings the small trout can rise freely to red tag or beetle patterns, making it a great destination for beginner fly fishers. Lure and bait anglers can also do well. The river is fairly inaccessible as it flows to Lake Guy, with some access available around Howman'a Gap. Lake Guy is a small lake situated at Bogong Village, and has been known to yeild some very good brown trout. From there the Kiewa tumbles towards Mt. Beauty Pondage, a holding lake that recieves liberations of brown and rainbow trout each year. The pondage is a great place to take young anglers, as access is around the lake is good.
To be continued.....